Navigation Results

The ability for a NavigationKey to define a result type is an important feature of Enro. It allows you to define a rich contract for a screen, where the contract represents not just an input type, but also an output type. This allows screens within an application to be more independent of one another and helps screens be as re-usable as possible.

Making use of this feature is very simple, and is done by defining a NavigationKey that implements NavigationKey.SupportsPush.WithResult or NavigationKey.SupportsPresent.WithResult. For more information on defining NavigationKeys, please see the NavigationKeys documentation.

Defining a NavigationKey.WithResult

Any NavigationKey can define a result type by implementing the ...WithResult<T> interface, where T is the type of the result. For example, a NavigationKey that returns a LocalDate might look like this:

data class SelectDate(
    val minDate: LocalDate? = null,
    val maxDate: LocalDate? = null,
) : NavigationKey.SupportsPresent.WithResult<LocalDate>

For more information on defining NavigationKeys, please see the NavigationKeys documentation.

Receiving results

Receiving a result from a NavigationKey works in a similar way to Android’s registerForActivityResult functionality. To receive a result, you’ll need to create a NavigationResultChannel using the registerForNavigationResult function. This function takes a lambda that will be invoked when a result is received. The lambda will be invoked with the result value.

Defining a NavigationResultChannel

A NavigationResultChannel can be defined in any Activity, Fragment, Composable or Enro-supported ViewModel. The syntax for defining a NavigationResultChannel is slightly different depending on the type of screen you’re in, but always uses a function called registerForNavigationResult.

registerForNavigationResult takes the following arguments:

  1. (Required) A generic type argument, which represents the type of the result that will be received.
  2. (Required) An onResult lambda, which will be invoked when a result is received, which receives a single argument of the generic type provided to registerForNavigationResult.
  3. (Optional) An onClosed lambda, which will be invoked when if a screen opened using the result channel is closed without a result being sent.

When you have created a result channel using registerForNavigationResult<T>, the result channel can be used to push or present any NavigationKey that implements NavigationKey.SupportsPush.WithResult<T> or NavigationKey.SupportsPresent.WithResult<T>. The result channel will then receive the result from the destination, and invoke the onResult lambda that was provided when creating the result channel. The T type of the ...WithResult<T> NavigationKey must match the T used when creating the result channel.

If there are multiple result channels in the same screen, registered for the same T, they can all be used to receive results, and the result channel that is used to push or present will be the one that receives the result (this works safely across configuration change and process death).


In an Activity, Fragment or ViewModel, the registerForNavigationResult function should be used as follows:


In a Composable, the registerForNavigationResult function should be used as follows:

fun ExampleComposable() {
    val exampleResultChannel = registerForNavigationResult<ExampleResult> { result: ExampleResult ->
        // handle result
        onClick = { exampleResultChannel.present(ExampleResultNavigationKey()) }
    ) {
        Text("Launch Example Result")
class MyActivityFragmentOrViewModel : ... {
    private val exampleResultChannel by registerForNavigationResult<ExampleResult> { result: ExampleResult ->
        // handle result
    fun launchExampleResult() {

Sending results

From a screen that is bound to a ...WithResult<T> NavigationKey, you can send a result by calling the closeWithResult function on the NavigationHandle. This function takes a single argument, which is the result value. The type of the result value must match the type of the ...WithResult<T> NavigationKey. The closeWithResult<T> function is only available for TypedNavigationHandle<K>, where K is a NavigationKey ...WithResult<T>, which have been created through the navigationHandle<K>() function. For more information on NavigationHandles, please see the NavigationHandles documentation.

Essentially, when you want to send a result, make sure you use the typed version of the navigationHandle functions, and pass in the type of the NavigationKey ...WithResult<T> that you want to send a result for, and then the closeWithResult<T> will be available.

It is also possible to delegate a result to another screen, rather than return the result yourself. For more information on delegating results, please see the Delegating results section.


In a Composable, the closeWithResult function should be used as follows:

class ExampleResultKey: NavigationKey.SupportsPush.WithResult<ExampleResult>

fun ExampleComposable() {
    val navigationHandle = navigationHandle<ExampleResultKey>()
    // private val navigationHandle = navigationHandle() <- this won't work, as it returns an untyped NavigationHandle

        onClick = { navigationHandle.closeWithResult(ExampleResult(...)) }
    ) {
        Text("Close with result")


In an Activity, Fragment or ViewModel, the closeWithResult function should be used as follows:

class ExampleResultKey: NavigationKey.SupportsPush.WithResult<ExampleResult>

class ExampleFragmentActivityOrViewModel : ... {
    private val navigationHandle by navigationHandle<ExampleResultKey>()
    // private val navigationHandle by navigationHandle() <- this won't work, as it returns an untyped NavigationHandle
    fun sendResult() {


Delegating results

Enro provides support for delegating results to another screen. This functionality can be used to build small, multi-step flows that are made up of multiple screens. For example, a flow that requires the user to select a date, and then select a time, could be built using two screens, where the first screen delegates to the second screen. These kinds of flows are often referred to as “embedded navigation flows”, as the logic for the flow is embedded within each screen within the flow. When the screen which is delegated to returns a result, the screen that delegated to it will be closed at the same time, and the result will be delivered to the original screen that requested the result.

For example:

  1. Starting on “Screen A” where the backstack is ... -> A
  2. Screen A requests a result from Screen B, the backstack becomes ... -> A -> B
  3. Screen B delegates its result to Screen C, the backstack becomes ... -> A -> B -> C
  4. There are several possible outcomes: a. Screen C returns a result, which would cause the result to be delivered to Screen A, and the backstack would become ... -> A b. Screen C closes without a result, which would cause no result to be delivered, but Screen C to close, and the backstack would become ... A -> B
    c. Screen C continues the by delegating to Screen D, the backstack would become ... -> A -> B -> C -> D, and the result behaviour would be the same when Screen D is closed; the result would be delivered to Screen A, and the backstack would become ... -> A

To delegate a result, you’ll need to use the deliverResultFromPush or deliverResultFromPresent functions on the NavigationHandle. This function takes a single argument, which is the NavigationKey that you want to delegate to. The NavigationKey that you delegate to must be a ...WithResult<T> NavigationKey, where T is the same type as the ...WithResult<T> NavigationKey that you are delegating from.